I have so neglected this blog... I am actually disappointed in myself. I have thought about you, blog. But I just have not taken the time to give you the attention you need.
I will try more in 2010 to post more. I promise. I will put my thoughts into action and remember to visit you every day. Well, not everyday... I would like to visit you every day but I am not that ambitious. So, let's say, every other day, at least.
I scrapbooked all weekend. Actually, I scrapped quite a bit in between the never-ending piles of laundry (the pile looked like Mount N'Everest!) and dusting the downstairs of the house. I had fun because I decided to layer and layer stuff. I loved my layouts. Loved them. I want to be freer with my scrapping. Go with the flow. Enjoy it. And I think I did.
Also, we need to get a package to Christian in Texas. He wants us to send him his stereo. His stereo. Yeah... right. Not happening. Also, his lacrosse stick. What is he thinking??? Well, we CAN send him his alarm clock, football cleats, and CD's but the rest ain't gonna fly, dahlin'.
Ugh, gotta take Cade to Fuquay's soccer practice at 4 pm. We live in the boon docks (aka "the Quay") so it will take the full time to get there from 3:15 pm until 4pm
So, gotta go.
Right now.
'til tomorrow.