I found some new albums and page protectors that I adore! I don't want to make a full-blown layout for every picture (or event) and the We R Memory Keepers had the solution I've needed. The page protectors fit in 12 X 12 notebook style albums. You can use normal top-loading page protectors OR divided page protectors. I love being able to slide my 4 X 6 photos right into a divided portion on the page protector. I'll have to post some of the pages I've done. It's especially working for all the soccer pictures I've taken over the years. I don't want to do a whole layout on one soccer game! So, now I can put a few details down and get the memory recorded without having to spend HOURS creating soccer layouts. Pretty cool.
This picture of Cade (above) was taken at a church retreat by one of the counselors. The pic is not great because it was taken by a phone.. but it shows Cade - the real Cade. He is so sweet and yet he can be very mischievous and playful. He loves to make jokes and play around - lots of rough-housing. But he is sensitive too. He hates arguing and yelling. He is gentle with our 2 cats and loves to hug. I'm so thankful the Lord put Cade in our lives. What would life be like without all his little Cade antics??