Below is a picture of my new obsession! POCKET LETTERS. Using a a 9 pocket baseball card sheet, fill each pocket with your paper, embellishments, ANYTHING and fold it into thirds and MAIL it to your "pal" in a #10 envelope. If you are interested in finding out about pocket letters (PL), visit or click here. Janette Lane, the creator of Pocket Letters, has revived pen pals and snailmail and raised it to an art form! I have joined many swaps on this swap. The PL below was sent to my swap partner and the theme was Spring. I received a PL back from my swap partner and it was precious. She lives in California so her pictures and embellishments reflected spring time in her region. I now LOVE to go to the mailbox. I never know when I will get a PL from one of my swap partners.
In the top left pocket: I die cut a bow out of felt. Top middle: I die cut a butterfly out of paper. Top right: I made flowers to crepe paper on toothpicks. Middle left pocket: behind the paper I put washi tape samples; Middle Pocket: Picture I printed of our state's flower. Middle right: behind the paper was green and yellow buttons held in by green washi tape. Bottom left was white, translucent confetti held in by green washi tape at top. Bottom middle, I stitched a heart. And bottom right holds a felt chicken I received as a gift.
Lots of stuff going on personally. Cade's 11th grade year is winding down. He has two more weeks before summer. Hopefully he will get a little job this summer. He is going to apply at several places. His soccer team's schedule is also winding down. His team qualified for the state cup because of their wins during the season. Last week, Cade had the winning goal at the last minute of the game to advance to the quarter-finals of the state tournament. Tomorrow night they play a Charlotte team. IF his team wins, they will go to the semi's and then the finals this weekend. How exciting that they've made it this far!
There's our boy! I wouldn't mess with him on the soccer field either - 6 ft. 1 in., 190 pounds, large leg muscles, and size 14 soccer shoes.
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